As a business coach, consultant, or service provider, you face unique challenges and sometimes frustrating challenges when working with small business owners and self-employed individuals.

The challenges I most often hear business coaches have with their clients are they: 

  • Lack clarity and focus in their business making it difficult to provide them the solutions they need.

  • Are resistant to change preferring to do what is comfortable. 

  • Have budget issues which cause them to DIY or hire the cheapest out there.

These are things you help but they get in the way of them hiring you.

But do you know the real reasons your potential clients aren’t hiring you? 

Top three reasons why a small business owner doesn’t hire a coach or consultant.

Top three reasons why a small business owner doesn’t hire a coach or consultant


Small business owners often cite budget constraints as a primary reason for not hiring a business coach. However, when you look a little deeper you find they worry they will never see a return on investment. Many small business owners report having purchased services from at least one provider who they think “didn’t deliver what they promised”. As a result they are understandably wary.

Don’t understand the value

This is related to the first reason of cost, but with a different solution. Many self employed individuals began their business because they were proficient at one thing. They are now having to learn business, but don’t really understand the moving parts. As an expert in your craft, you may be talking above their ability to understand. And, not wanting to seem dumb, they simply turn down your services.


Small business owners frequently express coaching, building a strategy, doing all the steps to build a funnel takes too long. Managing day-to-day operations keeps them very busy. When they can’t see immediate benefits or results from the work you offer, they are more likely to postpone working with you for “when they have time.” or money

Why You Should Add Identity Aligned Branding to Your Business

Understandable Value Small business owners may not grasp the full value of coaching. The Identity Aligned Branding system delivers clear, tangible results. The Brand Solution™ document includes a detailed brand description and visual representation, making the benefits easy to understand.

Clear ROI While clients often hesitate due to ROI concerns, Identity Aligned Branding increases ROI. It does this by creating a strong brand foundation for your clients which attracts customers for them and boosts sales. Demonstrating immediate value helps overcome their concerns, making your current services more appealing. While the coaching they need from you will take time to implement, your clients will very quickly have something tangible to move their business forward. 

Close Deals Faster The Identity Aligned Branding system expedites your sales process. By using the Endotype Formula quiz, you understand your client's needs before the first call. Presenting a tailored Brand Solution™ during this call builds instant trust and reduces the time needed to close deals.

Minimal Time Commitment Before you begin to think, “I don’t have time to do branding,” remember this only takes 10 man hours from you or those you delegate to. This efficiency allows you to offer high-value services without adding to your workload.

Increase Your Revenue Adding Identity Aligned Branding to your services opens new revenue streams. This system enables you to upsell branding services, enhancing your earnings without overwhelming your schedule. Maximize your impact and income with this efficient, high-value addition.

Expand your services, increase revenue, and provide clients with the strong foundation they need for success with Identity Aligned Branding.

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