Is Identity Aligned Branding Right for You?

A huge complaint of small business owners is the money they have wasted on lackluster results from marketers, strategists or coaches. 

“I spent thousands of dollars with this marketing and not one new sale.”

 “I worked with that coach for 6 months, but my business didn’t grow at all.”

 “I am so disappointed in the branding I received from that strategist. I don’t understand how it connects to me or my business at all.”

No matter how great you are at serving your clients, they always measure success by ROI and new sales. Even if you do your job perfectly, if their business doesn’t see increased sales, they’ll wonder if they wasted their money. This is not the way to build repeat clients and referrals.

One thing we know is new sales will only be generated if your clients branding is aligned. Branding is the foundational cornerstone of a business, often overlooked and underestimated. Imagine a building with meticulously designed spaces, cathedral ceilings, and the finest materials. However, if the building has a weak foundation, the entire structure is at risk. 

In business, branding is that foundation. A strong foundation equals a strong business. Your client's brand will either attract or repel customers. Even if you help your clients with mindset changes, amazing systems, sensible funnels, or fantastic offers, if their brand is not in alignment, your services won’t create the ROI they’re looking for.

So whether you currently offer branding or don’t yet, you need to seriously consider offering Identity Aligned Branding to your clients. Our model for branding is different. Traditional branding methods often create weak brands for small business owners. They reason why these models rely on questionnaires or worksheets the business owner completes. This means the brand gets built on how the business owner sees themselves, not how their clients see them. Imposter syndrome, doubts, lack of self-awareness and incomplete knowledge distort the responses and the brand being built.

The Identity Aligned Branding system revolutionizes the branding process by removing reliance on the business owner's self-perception. It positions you as the expert brand leader who can reveal their true brand, ensuring that your services lead to the ROI they desire and establishing you as the go-to professional for effective, results-driven branding.

How does Identity Aligned Branding work? 

Client Discovery with the Endotype Formula Quiz

Your prospective clients take the powerful Endotype Formula Quiz before meeting with you. They are impressed by how well you understand them, and you are empowered with invaluable insights into their identity and brand.

This 4 question quiz eliminates the need for lengthy initial assessments. Best of all you get accurate useful information even if the client lacks self-awareness or doesn’t understand their market.  

Initial Consultation and Brand Reveal

On the initial call with your prospective client, you'll ask a few specific questions. The answers to these will allow you to identify their brand personality.

Within 30 minutes you know more about how that client runs their business than can be gathered by multiple assessments.

Presenting the Brand Solution™

They already know their marketing or branding is off, that is why they are talking to you. Why not present them with their Brand Solution™. This effective sales tool, uniquely tailored to their Endotype, includes both a written description and a visual representation of their brand personality.

No other marketer has shown them their brand on the first call. Your clients will be astounded by the accuracy of their brand personality. And, each Brand Solution also incorporates a well-crafted sales system that further entices them to say yes to working with you.

Building Trust Leads to Sales

Your ability to understand them at this unmatched level forges an immediate bond of trust between you and these business owners. The results are predictable – more business owners say yes to working with you on the first call.

As you demonstrate your expertise with Identity Aligned Branding, you become the go-to professional for more than just branding..

Presenting the Brand Solution™

They already know their marketing or branding is off, that is why they are talking to you. Why not present them with their Brand Solution™. This effective sales tool, uniquely tailored to their Endotype, includes both a written description and a visual representation of their brand personality.

No other marketer has shown them their brand on the first call. Your clients will be astounded by the accuracy of their brand personality. And, each Brand Solution also incorporates a well-crafted sales system that further entices them to say yes to working with you.

How does Identity Aligned Branding work? 

Client Discovery with the Endotype Formula Quiz

Your prospective clients take the powerful Endotype Formula Quiz before meeting with you. They are impressed by how well you understand them, and you are empowered with invaluable insights into their identity and brand.

This 4 question quiz eliminates the need for lengthy initial assessments. Best of all you get accurate useful information even if the client lacks self-awareness or doesn’t understand their market.  

Initial Consultation and Brand Reveal

On the initial call with your prospective client, you'll ask a few specific questions. The answers to these will allow you to identify their brand personality.

Within 30 minutes you know more about how that client runs their business than can be gathered by multiple assessments.

Presenting the Brand Solution™

They already know their marketing or branding is off, that is why they are talking to you. Why not present them with their Brand Solution™. This effective sales tool, uniquely tailored to their Endotype, includes both a written description and a visual representation of their brand personality.

No other marketer has shown them their brand on the first call. Your clients will be astounded by the accuracy of their brand personality. And, each Brand Solution also incorporates a well-crafted sales system that further entices them to say yes to working with you.

Building Trust Leads to Sales

Your ability to understand them at this unmatched level forges an immediate bond of trust between you and these business owners. The results are predictable – more business owners say yes to working with you on the first call.

As you demonstrate your expertise with Identity Aligned Branding, you become the go-to professional for more than just branding..

Presenting the Brand Solution™

They already know their marketing or branding is off, that is why they are talking to you. Why not present them with their Brand Solution™. This effective sales tool, uniquely tailored to their Endotype, includes both a written description and a visual representation of their brand personality.

No other marketer has shown them their brand on the first call. Your clients will be astounded by the accuracy of their brand personality. And, each Brand Solution also incorporates a well-crafted sales system that further entices them to say yes to working with you.

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