As a marketing professional, have you noticed how hard it is to get small business owners to say yes to the marketing they really need?

Between uncertain economic times and past experiences with marketers who didn’t deliver, small business owners are hesitant to say yes to marketers. Acquiring new clients for your company consumes a significant amount of your money, time and energy. It is imperative that you maximize every sales opportunity you have with a potential client.

That’s why you need a sales system that moves prospects towards a “yes” as efficiently as possible. The Identity Aligned Branding system is designed to shorten the sales cycle, making it easier to convert leads into loyal clients. By leveraging our system, you can focus more on delivering exceptional service and less on the arduous process of client acquisition.

The Builder or the Architect?

The small business owners you serve are like an eager builder attempting to construct a beautiful building. Skilled at what they do, the builder is ready to start immediately. However construction, without detailed blueprints, will quickly cause mistakes and structural issues. These small business owners have DIYed and outsourced their marketing into confusion and inconsistency. They are losing customers.

Now imagine a professional architect steps in with a comprehensive plan. That little bit of extra work can transform the builder's efforts into a stunning, flawless piece of architecture.

Are you another laborer or the architect your clients need? 

Some of the marketers that begin to use the Identity Aligned Branding system, are in fact laborers. They are working on one part of a business owner's marketing; a website, social media, running ads, creating engagement, taking photos. Have you stopped to determine if that business owner has a cohesive brand they are applying to all their marketing? If not you could be “blamed” when your part doesn’t seem to create the ROI the business owner is looking for. 

You could be the architect for small business owners. With the Identity Aligned Branding system, you offer your clients a solid brand that guides their marketing from start to finish. Our Brand Activation Formula is easy for the small business owner to understand and implement into all parts of their marketing, helping them avoid the pitfalls of disjointed efforts. 

By delivering an Identity Aligned Brand concept, you become the heroic architect they can’t stop raving about.

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